Tuesday, March 24, 2009

Crayons :)

I see life as a canvas. A Big Blank Canvas which never ends. As long as I breathe this Canvas can never end. And this Canvas is a reflection, a clue, a reminder of what I think. And all the things which surround me are the crayons, are just the tool to fill this canvas on every-day basis. And the crayons are unlimited too. they too never end. and i simply love the feeling that i own my canvas and can paint anything on it. its simple amazing. and the biggest and HUGE crayon is our thoughts which causes feelings to generate. and its a universal truth that our Thoughts do Become Things. Isn't is amazing? that we can chose our crayons and make create our canvas as per we want. At least, I chose this path. Its full of fulfillment and gives a feeling which i have never felt before. :) I love this feeling. The feeling of being Unlimited. The feeling of being free. The feeling of simply being what I want to be. The feeling of bliss. The feeling of blessed and grateful. :)
And my new crayon is: writing.

At last I have not-only-thought-to write but finally I am writing!
I have been thinking of writing since a while now..actually more than a while but didn't know what exactly i wanted to write.. most of the times I keep myself in vague,abstract thoughts that days just pass on, time flies by and I'm still there lost in my thoughts don't know what to-do next. But now i know what i want and what i want to write down.
First of all this is the first time I'm writing something....as in I have never written any article or poem before. No wait, i did write a poem- a poem for my ex-boyfriend two years ago... that was the first time in my life I ever wrote something. I don't even remember what i wrote, ( i know how can anybody forget what she had written from her heart) but i have really don't remember what did i write..though the memory of writing it is very fresh in the dark corners of my mind.. That poem was very special for me.. cause it was my first poem and it was for the person-who-i -thought-was -my-world....but things did change. Actually it changed 360 degree...hmmm my article is going somewhere else only.. i didn't intent to write about this....ummm there i go nostalgic again....

OKaaay! lets come back to what I wanted to write:
So here it is...i don't remember what i wrote in the poem except from it was very nice and my first ever poem and now its my First ever-article which is just like penning my thoughts into a personal Diary.. (indeed it is).and I want to thank my only inspiration who indirectly made me to write, made me to blog-Harshad. Thank you Harshad. I really owe you big. :)

It started like this: I have been reading Harshad's blog on regular basis and before reading his blog was like why do people read each other's blog??? why do people blog at all?
but after reading his blog I'm like why not read and maintain blog..its so much fun to write and the best part is we can write anything and everything..its so simple and yet so enchanting. yes it definitely is Enchanting! and all credit goes to my sweet friend Harshad. Thank you very much. :)