Thursday, July 9, 2009

The Universe

When we speak, we are heard by the entire Universe.
When we laugh, the whole Universe dances with joy.
When we dance, the entire Universe watches us in awe.
When we give, the abundant Universe cries, knowing we have opened our Hearts.
When we achieve, the baby Universe Parties and Celebrates too.
When we sleep, the benign Universe stands guarding us.
When we cry, the dear Universe shakes with love.
When we think, the entire Universe waits patiently for us to decide.
When we are scared, the Universe shields and protects us with His love.
When we love, then the Universe, You and I become One.


  1. Why is it so simple yet so complicated? Very nice poem, btw!!!

  2. This comment has been removed by the author.

  3. @ Abhishek- It's simple and complicated at same time cause that's how life is and that's how we see it.

    @ Navi-
    Yup,it's absolutely true. Not iota of doubt is there. :)

    @Ravi- Thankyou Ravi. :)

  4. good writing ....can u please have bit bigger font?

  5. @ajaypatil

    Thankyou :)
    and i'll try to have bigger font from next time :)
