Sunday, March 14, 2010

Working of Film-makers

Today, first time ever in my life, I entered a real film set. Not sure about others, but for me it was new and unknown. the director. the assistant director. the camera man. the spot-boys. they all worked as ants work. they don't give hell to outside world. work as if that's the only thing in world to do. i have seen ants working together- the ants just move in synchronicity, change their routes when they sense a road-block in their work and the most important thing-they work together- they work not just pretending to be One but as if they are One. Similarly, the crew worked. I was in awe!
I sat their in the set for 3 hours for this film, being a trivial part of it, and was just amazed at looking them how they worked-not caring about time, they were so immersed in the work that for them time just flew. 3 hours just flew! they didn't know when it came, when it went. and they have hell lot of patience. I always felt and still feel, that people who are creative have extra patience and nerve. they can be still for hours irrespective of the day or night. I don't have so much patience. i hope i get it over time.

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